BulletProof FTP Client saves current sessions, including the Action Queue to a Session-File. This session-file can then be loaded at run-time via the command-line or the number user-interface.
BulletProof FTP Client saves current sessions, including the Action Queue to a Session-File. This session-file can then be loaded at run-time via the command-line or the number user-interface.
To configure BulletProof FTP Client correctly you must have the following information and access:
BulletProof FTP Client is a highly automated FTP Client, capable of working on an Action-Queue for days and days over the most fickle of internet connections. To accomplish this, BulletProof FTP Client stores all the requested downloads, uploads, etc (Queued-Actions) in a Session-File. This session-file is then used during the program's execution and maintained during it's entire run-time. Understanding this file, is the key to automating BulletProof FTP Client, outside of normal User-Interaction and for automatting it's execution from other programs, scripts, etc.
Line # | Description | Sample Data | Description |
Line #1 | Indentifer | "This is a Bullet Proof FTP Session file and should not be modified directly." | This line must be entered exactly as it appears, without the quotes. |
Line #2 | FTP Server Host/IP | ftp.cdrom.com | DNS Hostname or IP-Address for the FTP Server. |
Line #3 | FTP Server Port | 21 | Almost always TCP/IP Port 21, unless the server has been "stealthed" and moved to a different port to avoid hacking attempts. |
Line #4 | Login Name | someuser | Login name for the FTP-User. Some servers support public logins with the "anonymous" user. |
Line #5 | Login Password | somepassword | Password for the FTP-User. This is value is encrypted by BulletProof FTP Client. A plain-text password can be used, but you will need to pad out the first 2 characters with a value other than "BP". For example: if your password was "pepsi", then enter "00pepsi". If using the "anonymous" user, this is often times the email address for the connecting-user. |
Line #6 | Default Download Directory | C:\DOWNLOADS\ | |
Line #7 | Remote Directory | /home/somedir | Once logging into the FTP Server, BulletProof FTP Client will change the current working directory (CWD) to the specified directory. Not needed if only downloading HTTP URLs. |
From here on is the actual queue, each entry comprises of 6 lines. | |||
Line #1 | Filename or URL | somefile.txt | For HTTP URLs, use the following format "http://download.builtbp.com/files/bpftpclient_install.exe" |
Line #2 | Type of Queue Entry | 0 or 1 or 3 | 0==download, 1==upload, 3==delete |
Line #3 | File or Directory | 0 or 2 | 0==Directory, 2==File |
Line #4 | File Size | 232561 | Size of File in Bytes. If unknown or n/a, use 0. |
Line #5 | File Date | 31-12-2006 | Date of File in the format DD-MM-YYYY. If unknown or n/a, use "?". |
Line #6 | Download Directory | C:\DOWNLOADS | Directory where the file will be download. If the directory does not exist, BulletProof FTP Client will create it. |
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